Re-enchant your world, body and mind with

Elphyne & Co.

Down Guide to Botanical Herbal Medicine

Down Guide to Botanical Herbal Medicine

Learn to confidently create herbal concoctions for your family and friends, with our easy to follow step by step guide.

Alchemy of Scent


New event dates coming soon

all across the Uk

Immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind sensory journey as you venture into the captivating realm of historical and mythical fragrances from around the globe. Rediscover the subtle nuances of scent as you delve into the artistry and mystique of oil-making and the intricate craft of perfume creation. Engage your re-awakened sense of smell and explore the intricate world of fragrances with a renewed perspective.

photo by: Danielle Jane

About Us

Explore the magical world of Elphyne & Co.

We make natural scents, tools, herbal remedies, and botanical elixirs that are gentle on the skin.

Our unique brand also offers instruction in practical folk craft skills, singing, and crafting. In addition, we provide teachings in Celtic spirituality and Faery traditions rooted in ancient wisdom. Join us for a perfect blend of old-world traditions and modern practices.


our Folk medicine Remedies Blog