Introducing our Accredited Fourfold Faery Healing Modality.
About The Healing MODALITY
Fourfold Faery Healing for the Healers of the Emerald Way®
Are you looking for a regenerative healing method that taps into an infinite source of energy? If so, look no further than Fourfold Faery Healing. Unlike other healing modalities that rely on external sources or tools, our program is based on the alliance of four living consciousnesses: Human, Fae, Creature, and Dragon (Earth herself). Our goal is to regenerate your emotional, mental, and physical body.
We believe that life force is infinite and we don't borrow it from an external source. Instead, we remember it and work with the otherworld to inspire and aid the healing process. Our positive energy in the other world also affects our world and vice versa.
Our healers are encouraged to express their healing abilities and we help them develop their skills through crossroads quests and co-walking allyships.
Our modality doesn't require channelling or bringing any outside force into the human body. Instead, we attune ourselves to the Earth Core, which we call the Emerald Heart. This allows us to achieve regenerative healing without the need for external sources or tools.
We offer three levels of training, each unique and complete in its own right. Choose Fourfold Faery Healing for a regenerative healing experience that taps into an infinite source of energy.
Silver Ray Level 01
During this workshop ( 2 days ), we focus on building long-term relationships with your individual fae, elven, and creature animal allies, providing a solid foundation for your Faery healing skills, and helping you discover your learning and healing aptitudes.
Emerald Ray Level 02
In this workshop, (2 days ) we will explore the specific techniques of Faery Doctoring. We will learn how to regenerate the natural world, our physical and energetic bodies, all while considering our unique learning aptitudes. The workshop will include hands-on energy healing, faery orison, and ways to develop our doctoring tools with the help of our fae creature allies.
Golden Ray Level o3
This Workshop ( 3 days) will focus on using the skills we've developed since Level One to our collective advantage. This includes healing larger bodies of water, mountains, lands, and unsolvable chronic illnesses. This level is instrumental in combating new world health risks such as EMF, toxins, etc. Golden Ray students can also apply to teach other students in a similar workshop setting.

Faery Healing is not an entirely new art, and it is essentially a way we relate to the unseen world,
In Celtic Ireland, Faery Healers were a unique kind of medicine people; those who nurtured friendships with the fae and received their healing tools and knowledge from the Sidhe were called Faery Healers, Faery Doctors, or Fay Friends.
Suppose you are passionate about healing, grid-working, regenerative spirit work, the living creatures of nature and the fae realm and seek to have meaningful otherworldly allies. In that case, the Emerald Way and Faery Healing is for you.
September 27 -29
Level 03 Three-day
Golden Ray
Venue: to be confirmed
Level 01 -level 02
May 3-6
to be confirmed