Violet leaf & Honey Syrup

Violet Leaf & Honey Cough Syrup

  • fresh or dried Violet Leaves

  • water

  • honey (raw is preferable, raw & local is ideal)

The basic syrup formula is 1 part violet leaf decoction to 2 (or 3) parts honey.

To Make Violet Leaf & Honey Cough Syrup

Gather your violet leaves, or use dried, and place them in a jar.

You can order organic leaves online if you don’t have violets growing locally.

Note: African Violets – the houseplant – are NOT true violets and should NOT be used as substitutes.

Next steps…

Fill a jar or mug about 1/4 to 1/3 with chopped violet leaves.

Pour cold water over the leaves, place them in the refrigerator, and let them soak all night.

In the morning, gently heat this mixture for 15 to 20 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover the pot, and let it steep for another 30 minutes or so.

Strain the liquid from the leaves. You will have a green-tinged tea or decoction.

Measure out a small amount of the liquid. (Save the leftover violet-leaf tea to pour in your bathwater. Also, there have been reports that violet leaf tea-soaked cloths on the back of the neck can help relieve headaches.)

For a small batch, use about 1/4 cup of violet tea. For a large batch, use 1 cup of violet tea.

Next, you’ll want to stir in twice as much honey to create a 1:2 syrup. (Which means 1 part violet leaf tea to 2 parts honey.)

So if you have 1/4 cup of violet tea, use 1/2 cup of honey.

Over very low heat, gently stir the honey and violet decoction (tea) together until it is fully incorporated. At no time should this simmer or boil – you want to keep the heat under 110 degrees, not to destroy the benefits of raw honey.

Pour into a sterilized jar and cap tightly. Store in the refrigerator. Shelf life is a few months. Stirring in about 15% brandy (or an herbal tincture) will help preserve the mixture much longer.

Label your new creation so it won’t get mixed up with your other home remedies!


The Cleavers Wild Beauty


Sweet Violet of Love