First Rose of Spring
English Primrose in our garden
The primrose, or Primula Vulgaris, is a delicate and charming perennial flower that is beloved for its beauty The name "Primula" comes from the Latin word "primus," which means first, while "Vulgaris" means common or widespread. This name is fitting, as the primrose is often one of the first flowers to bloom in spring and can be found throughout much of the world.
In addition to its scientific name, the primrose is also known as the English primrose, reflecting its popularity in the UK. However, this lovely flower can also be found in Ireland, where it is known as "sabhaircín" in Irish Gaelic. Pronounced "sour-keen," the name is as charming as the flower itself.
The primrose has long been associated with youth, purity, and new beginnings. It is often given as a gift to symbolize young love or as a token of appreciation for someone starting a new chapter in their life. Whether you call it Primula Vulgaris, the English primrose, or sabhaircín, this beautiful flower is sure to bring joy and a sense of renewal to all who encounter it.
Edible primrose varieties
The Magic of Primrose Faeries
Primroses are the first flowers of spring, thus named 'prim' meaning first, and they are believed to open the portal to the realm of faeries. During the harsh winter months, faeries prefer to remain hidden, but when spring arrives, they are said to shelter beneath the leaves of primroses, especially during the cold and rainy February. These flowers are used in faery; magick spells to enhance beauty and radiance. Collect morning dew from primroses on the early morning of solstice day for a potent rejuvenation spell ingredient. Primrose also attracts and invites the tiny flower faeries into your garden. This rose is one of their favourite gifts.
Faery Lore and Belief
According to Irish lore, eating primroses lets you see faeries, and hanging a bouquet on your door invites faeries to enter and bless your home. However, scattering primroses outside your front door will prevent faeries from crossing over and entering your home. This flower is also associated with abundance and is an ingredient of many money spells and good luck charms.
Primrose in Christian Lore
Primrose is known as the Keys of the Virgin Mary in some European countries and St. Peter's Keys. They are believed to bestow grace on those willing to receive it. While it's not guaranteed that they will get you into heaven, they are said to offer divine blessings to those in need.
Primrose Medicine and Food
Primrose has many medicinal uses, such as curing vertigo (root), arthritis (leaves), wounds (salves), muscle spasms, and gout. An infusion of primrose was traditionally used to cure hysteria. Primrose is also used to flavour and colour food and may be used to make wine. The leaves can be used in salads, and the edible flowers add to many dishes. You can also make an herbal infusion of the fresh leaves and/or flowers and make an evening primrose tea, which traditionally helps with seeing the faeries.
Just brew two teaspoons full of dried primrose flower in the tea press,
Let it sit for 3 minutes, then press and drink with some honey to taste.